Monday, December 7, 2009


Posted by Babyberbz at 10:13 PM

I want a guy who isn’t made up of excuses.

I want a guy who wants to spend his time 
alone with me, that doesn’t include sex.

I want a guy who notices all the little 
things and cares about the little things.

I want a guy who is willing to 
sometimes sacrifice and compromise.

I want a guy who isn’t chatting up 
women every time I’m not around.

I want a guy who won’t cheat on me.

I want a guy who isn’t a coward.

I want a guy who will talk problems
through before an argument occurs.

I want a guy who is honest about 
anything and everything.

I want a guy who is a gentleman...
a real gentleman... not those that goes around saying they are 
when it suits them then change back into a jerk.

I want a guy who is actually listening 
to what I say instead of thinking 
‘I just want to get laid…or wow boobies’

I want a guy who will give me security.

I want a guy with a sense of humor….
that doesn’t go too far.

I want a guy who thinks I’m worth 
more than a fumble in the dark.

I want a guy who likes to cuddle, 
likes to be close.

I want a guy who makes me feel special.

I want a guy who can show what being
in love is instead of just saying it.

I want a guy who for once will finally act 
upon what he says and keep promises.

I want a guy who will want to know 
every little detail about me….instead of 
me just wanting to know all about him.

I want a guy who is polite to everyone.

I want a guy who is responsible.

I want a guy who will stick around once they’ve 
had me and seen me in every way that I am.

I want a guy who means what he says and isn’t 
just saying it because he thinks that’s what I want to hear.

I want a guy who will notice all the things I do 
to make myself perfect for him so he won’t 
be tempted to go elsewhere.

I want a guy who won’t let me down.

I want a guy who can keep secrets.

I want a guy who doesn’t make every personal 
aspect of our relationship public to all of his friends.

I want a guy who won’t run away from problems.

I want a guy who won’t avoid me or push me away.

I want a guy who for once doesn’t talk about 
the future as if we’re going to break up.

I want a guy who will not get plastered around me
if he has learned this makes him a nasty bastard towards me.

I want a guy who will not constantly bring up his ex’s 
from the past throughout the whole of the relationship.

I want a guy who will be there for me.

I want a guy who likes to make up after arguments
instead of ignore the fact they happened.

I want a guy who doesn’t take me for granted.

I want a guy who gives 100%

I want a guy who is himself..and 
doesn’t put on an act around me.

I want a guy who will do something because 
he wants to, not because I ask him.

I want a guy who is fair.

I want a guy who isn’t sexist, prejudice, 
racist or narrow minded.

I want a guy who shows respect.

I want a guy who doesn’t try to rub other
women in your face to make you jealous.

I want a guy who doesn't go on about what his ideal woman
looks like to the point where you try to change yourself.

I want a guy who loves me, for who i am 
and everything about me.

I want a guy who will let me love him.

I want a guy who after being with him 
for years is still into me.

I want a guy who makes love on occassion instead of just sex.

I want a guy who cares about my day and asks me 
how i am and lets me know if he missed me.

I want a guy who stick with me through rough times.

Was it a perfect guy?

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